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Dental Implants
Dental implants are regarded as one of the best ways to replace missing teeth. Implants are artificial roots inserted into your jawbone. They provide a sturdy post upon which a replacement tooth (crown), bridge or a full set of dentures can be placed.
Implants are made from a special type of metal known as titanium. As well as being durable, bone easily fuses with titanium over time, making the implant very secure.
People often choose to have implants because of their reliable and long-lasting nature and natural feel and look. Another plus is that they don't need to be anchored to other teeth as is the case with bridges and partial dentures.
Because implants need healthy gums and bone to support them, they may not be suitable for everyone.
To find out how you can enjoy the benefits of a dental implant, please call (07) 5513 0900 or email us.