Get treatment for all your oral healthcare needs.
Routine Check-Ups
With dentistry, prevention is everything when it comes to saving you time, money and worry. Twice-daily brushing and flossing, along with regular dental examinations and professional cleaning, is vital for keeping optimal oral health over a lifetime.
That’s why we offer you an unbeatable deal on our routine dental check-ups. Lasting a full forty-five minutes, and personalised to meet your individual needs, you’ll get a thorough oral examination, scale and clean and diagnostic x-ray if required—all for an inclusive price of $199 for adults and $165 for kids. We’ll also tell you where you have been good and where you might improve your oral hygiene—nicely, of course.
Should you need extra care, for example, tooth remineralising or advanced periodontal treatments, we offer these and many others as well.
At Tweed District Dental, we want you to keep your teeth and smile healthy for life. They’re your gateway to good health and all-round confidence.
To arrange for a routine check-up, just call (07) 5513 0900 or email us.